Chaos Software Products for Windows
Here is our current products list for Windows. (We also have programs for Android and iPhone.)
Many of these programs have a trial option so you can use them first before purchase. We also have video training available through our Chaos
University which can be a quick way to get a live-action preview or to become an instant expert while using the trial version.
Need installation help? If you are unfamiliar with how to download and install software from the
Internet, please click here for Installation Instructions. - cloud services for Chaos and Legal Billing users
Works with: Legal Billing 7 and newer, Intellect 4 and newer, Time & Chaos 8 and newer and Chaos Free 8 and newer
ChaosHost is our premium cloud service to help you work with your data anywhere,
not just at your main computer. You can synchronize multiple computers to keep
your data up-to-date, you can work online through a web browser, or even sync with
most of today's smartphones, including Androids and iPhones. is ready and prepared to sync the
same data files used by Legal Billing, Intellect, Time & Chaos, and Chaos Free! Once
these programs have your account setup, you can turn on automatic synchronization to keep
everything up to date without effort. (If you use Legal Billing, you must have version 7 or newer to sync with ChaosHost.)
ChaosHost can sync with smart phones and mobile devices that support Exchange ActiveSync.
This includes Google Android and
Apple iOS devices such as iPhone and iPad. Synchronizing this way adds
the data to the built-in databases in your phone, for use with the apps that came with your phone.
Last, but definitely not least, is your data home away from home. Login
to the website from any browser, even a mobile phone browser, and see/edit/add data from anywhere you go.
30 day free trial
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Legal Billing
Works with: Intellect 10, Time & Chaos 10 or Chaos Free 10
Current Version:
Release Date:
Legal Billing is a valuable tool for busy lawyers
and other professionals. It tracks billable time, expenses, and payments as well
as offering reports and basic client statements.
Legal Billing can work by itself
as a simple billing package, but its usefulness can be extended in two ways. First,
combining LB with a ChaosHost account, you can work from court, work or home using
smartphones or computers and keep your new edits and entries coordinated between
computers and devices. Second, combining LB with one of our contact management
programs, Intellect/Time & Chaos/Chaos Free, will give you a way to track your
upcoming schedule and task list in addition to your billing history
Requires Windows 7/8/10/11 (Desktop App). 32-bit and 64-bit compatible. Size:
KB Price: $49.95
21 day free trial
Revision History
Chaos Intellect
Current Version:
Release Date:
Chaos Intellect is our business-class email and contact management program. Use
our powerful contact address book with appointment schedule, task management, and
email all linked back to the appropriate contact. Send emails to groups of contacts
or distribution lists. Merge personalized messages instead of sending BCCs. Schedule
messages to be sent later.
Intellect includes all the features of Time & Chaos
plus an email client and works well for individuals and for shared workgroups on
Requires Windows 7/8/10/11 (Desktop App). 32-bit and 64-bit compatible. Size:
KB Price: $59.95
21 day free trial
User Guide
Revision History
Email Privacy Policy
Time & Chaos
Current Version:
Release Date:
Time & Chaos is our award-winning contact manager and has been around now for almost twenty-five years! Our longevity is due
to our mix of an easy to use but powerful address book of contacts, appointment schedule, to do task
management and projects.
Time & Chaos is a great choice if you need all the contact management but
not the email features added to Intellect. Time &
Chaos works great for individuals or shared workgroups on networks.
Requires Windows 7/8/10/11 (Desktop App). 32bit and 64-bit compatible. Size:
KB Price: $49.95
21 day free trial
User Guide
Revision History
Chaos Free
Current Version:
Release Date:
Perhaps you can tell from the name, but Chaos Free is a freeware version of our
popular contact management software!.
This product includes only the minimal core features of what is included with the full Intellect or Time & Chaos programs, but
if you just need the basics, this could be the version for you. (Click here for a comparison)
Requires Windows 7/8/10/11 (Desktop App). 32-bit and 64-bit compatible. Size:
KB Price: FREE
User Guide
Revision History
Chaos Sync for Google users
Requires: Intellect 10, Time & Chaos 10, or Chaos Free 10
Current Version:
Release Date:
Chaos Sync for Google users allows you to bi-directionally sync, upload and update your online Google
Contacts and Google Calendar with your Chaos Data. You can control whether this is a
two-way or one-way transfer, so you can configure it according to your needs.
Want to know more about how this works? Click here for more details and a screen shot!
[Chaos Sync for Google users is a replacement for our previous utility for Google called Google Updater, which used a since-discontinued
service from Google to transfer data. Google Updater was also limited to one-way transfers only.]
Requires Windows 7/8/10/11. 32-bit and 64-bit compatible. Size:
KB Price: $25.00
10-use trial
Chaos DesktopSync
Requires: Intellect 10 or Time & Chaos 10, plus mobile apps
Current Version:
Release Date:
Do you remember the days of those pre-iPhone Palm Pilots where you just synced your phone with
your computer and went out the door to face the day? Our new Chaos DesktopSync program
brings those days back! You can avoid annual fees and avoid putting your data on the Internet,
too, because Chaos DesktopSync goes direct from your computer to your smartphone.
Want to know more about how this works and what is required? Click here!
Requires Windows 7/8/10/11. 32-bit and 64-bit compatible.
Size: 2409
KB Price: $19.95
10-use trial
ChaosSync for Outlook (a.k.a. MSOSync)
Requires: Intellect 10, Time & Chaos 10, or Chaos Free 10
Current Version:
Release Date:
ChaosSync for Outlook, a.k.a. MSOSync,
lets you synchronize your data in Outlook with your Chaos Data from Intellect, Time & Chaos
or Chaos Free.
If you download this as a free trial version, you can use it to simply import
data from Outlook to Chaos to get our databases jumpstarted with your info.
If you decide to purchase this tool, you'll unlock the ability to synchronize
Chaos with Outlook. As you make changes in our software OR in Outlook, you can re-run
ChaosSync for Outlook to find changes and update both databases with your current
Requires Windows 7/8/10/11 (Desktop App) and Outlook 2003-2015. 32-bit and 64-bit compatible.
Size: 1193
KB Price: $29.95
limited trial
Revision History
Address Swiper
Requires: Intellect 4/10, Time & Chaos 8/10 or Chaos Free 8/10
Current Version:
Release Date:
Address Swiper lets you quickly input addresses from web sites, documents or other places
where you can highlight and copy from! Address Swiper will take these addresses, split the
different parts up correctly, and add them directly to your Contacts in your Chaos Data.
Quickly capture sales leads and contact data from email messages, online yellow pages,
websites, address lists, documents, and more! Size:
KB Price: $17.95
Mobile Device Sync Options
For Apple iOS devices such as iPhone and iPad,
click here for more information.
For Google Android devices from Samsung, HTC, Motorola
and others, click here for more information.
For other devices, fear not, these are not the only two types of phones or mobile
devices that can work with your Chaos data files. Here are the options to consider:
Option 1 - Over-The-Air sync with Most
of smart phones today support Over-The-Air synchronization with Exchange or Corporate
Servers. The key feature your phone must have is support for Exchange ActiveSync.
This would include iOS devices (like iPhone and iPad), Android phones, and Windows
Mobile. If you have one of these phones, take a look at our online data
hosting service which offers an Over-The-Air sync service as part of the feature set
for subscribers. Here is a link
to our ChaosHost documentation which discusses the Over-The-Air synchronization.
Option 2 - Chaos DesktopSync: If you have an Android device,
the combination of our Chaos mobile apps for your device plus our
Chaos DesktopSync program can provide a copy of your data on the run. Look above
for the download link for Chaos DesktopSync to try it out or
click here for more details.
Option 3 - CompanionLink: This method is available
for users with extremely large databases or for users with older BlackBerry or
Palm devices that do not support Exchange ActiveSync.
CompanionLink Software has developed powerful synchronization software that can
sync your Chaos Databases with direct USB and Wi-Fi sync. Some users prefer the
extreme security of direct synchronization rather than using an online hosted solution
like ChaosHost or Google. Direct synchronization can also be more accomodating for
extremely large databases. We are excited to have them extend their solutions to
Chaos users!
CompanionLink for Time & Chaos has been updated
to support Intellect 4/Time & Chaos 8/Chaos Free.
Please note that CompanionLink sells and supports this product themselves, so any
support or sales questions on this particular solultion must be directed to them!
Option 4 - Sync with Outlook or Google: If your device
does not support Exchange Over-The-Air synchronization and is not supported by CompanionLink,
try to determine if the phone manufacturer features built in support for synchronization
with Outlook or Google. If so, a final option to consider is using our ChaosSync
for Outlook or Google Sync. These tools can transfer our data to Outlook or Google,
where your phone could get to it too. Both of these tools are listed here on this
Product page.
Theme Editor
Requires: Intellect 10, Time & Chaos 10, or Chaos Free 10
Current Version:
Release Date:
If you like to tweak or customize the look of your software, this tool provides
a color picker to help you change the colors used in a theme for Intellect 10/Time &
Chaos 10/Chaos Free 10.
For best use, you should find the folder where the program is installed and make
a copy of the theme.ini file so you can go back to original if needed. The editor
will also change the current theme you are using, so if you want to make a completely
new theme, you should edit the theme.ini file first to make a copy of an existing
theme but with your new theme name in the brackets at the top of theme section you
are creating. Then when you restart your program, you can pick your new theme name
from the appearance section of the Options before you start the theme editor to
change it up.
There are four fields you might need to edit manually in the .ini file to complete
your look which the theme editor does not currently allow you to change. They are
GradientMirror, GradientMirrorTo, HighlightMirror and HighlightMirrorTo. Generally
speaking, if you get the colors you like with the theme editor, you can then edit
the .ini file to use your Gradient/GradientTo and Highlight/HightlightTo colors
again, but in reverse order to make the mirror effect complete.
Once you have finished editing your theme, you should make another copy of the theme.ini
file, this time so you can put your custom theme file back in place if installing
an updated version of our program resets the themes again. Also, if you think your
theme might be so cool and professional that others might like to use it as well,
you can copy your new theme settings from the .ini file and send it in through the
Contact Us option on this web site. Most submissions won't make the cut, but a few
of the best could make it into a future version of the program...
Requires Windows 7/8/10/11 (Desktop App). 32-bit and 64-bit compatible. Size:
KB Price: FREE
Spell Check Dictionaries
Our Chaos programs support additional spell check dictionaries for many countries.
If you are a user wanting a different dictionary than American English, feel free
to browse and select a different spelling dictionary to use. Size: various
Price: FREE
More Info
Legacy Products ("The Archives")
Looking for older discontinued versions of our software?
Click here for our Legacy Products download page.