Programmer's release notes for Chaos Intellect
For Internal Use only.
- Fix for Microsoft 365 OAuth accounts who have business managed accounts rather than personally owned accounts
- Added new phone label for TextMsg: which supports Microsoft Phone Link in Windows 11 and Windows 10 for sending text messages with your connected mobile phone. When you use this new label you would also add the Cellular or Mobile phone number to this phone number field even if that means you have the cell phone in two places. Each of those two places will have a labeled purpose - Cellular for voice calls and TextMsg: for text messaging.
- Added new Instagram, Threads, YouTube and Bluesky phone labels for social media links you may want to add to contacts
- Other cumulative bug fixes and improvements
- Fixes for Office 365 OAuth and OAuth accounts for better connections to Microsoft's mail servers
- Added email preset for Office 365 OAuth to meet current Microsoft requirements
- Added email preset for OAuth to meet current Microsoft requirements
(also used by old free Microsoft email accounts from Hotmail, and MSN)
- Removed email preset for Gmail OAuth after Google's decision to stop allowing this authentication method
- Other general maintenance updates
- Added email preset for using Gmail with an App Password
- Other general maintenance updates
- Updated Contacts service links (seen in phone number labels)
adding Bing Maps (which is the Windows 10/11 Maps program) and
removing some now-defunct services
- fixed Report screen date variables for This Quarter, Last Quarter, and Next Quarter to search for expected 3 month period
- Now preventing use of invalid characters when customizing name of the Projects section
- Other cumulative bug fixes and improvements
- Mail: added better support for messages containing Google AMP content
- Mail: added support for TLS 1.3 secured connections
- Editing records no longer display linked contacts until the linked contacts tab is actually clicked, speeding up the opening of the entry screen
- Updated Inbasket to improve reliability when accepting items via Transportable Records
- Fixed an issue that prevented all phone numbers from being displayed on main screen's phone number panel
- Mail: updated POP3 connections to ensure that it supports all current TLS versions for encryption
- Mail: fix for the email subject line spell checking
- Mail: updated HTML Editor on the email compose screen
- Added a scrollbar as needed on the contact dial pad side panel
- Print settings improvement when changing the printer selection
- Default for sending appointments via email is now .ics vs .vcs which seems to be a more universally accepted extension
- Fixed a task mailmerge bug that incorrectly used the wrong field for description and group.
- Mail: Attained updated Google OAuth 2.0 official certification for Gmail accounts
- Mail: added AT&T to the predefined email provider list to make it easy to set up a new account
- Mail: fixed a problem with mail template's backcolor property
- Mail: fixed a footer inconsistency when printing mail from the main message list
- Mail: fixed moving of IMAP messages between server folders, and creating new IMAP folders on the server
- Mail: improved the editing of hyperlinks
- Mail: view page source in the email editor now has formatted HTML (line breaks for paragraphs)
- Mail: added a status bar at the bottom of the email editor so a simple mouse hover will reveal a hyperlink's destination
- In the calendar module, print week and calendar now support multiple periods
- improved the install to card experience
- contacts phone number have the dock panel pin
- if all columns in a module are blank then an automatic column header reset is triggered
- fixed a theme issue on the find dialog within the notes field
- fixed a bug when building a new word template and there are no records selected
- mail: improvements to dragging and dropping of a large number of mail messages from folder to folder
- mail: memory improvements on rebuilding the mail cache
- mail: updated html editor
- mail: template editor will no longer apply margins of 0 which could make the caret not visible
- mail: fixed missing signature when changing mail accounts
- mail: can now include merge field into the message subject
- fixed a bug with column sorting with file size and flags
- fixed envelope nudge top for return address
- fixed a time zone issue accepting ics meeting invites after daylight time has ended
- exporting of HTML column data now strips out the HTML markup
- cumulative bug fixes and improvements
- weekly timeline printout can now have custom start and end time
- mail: custom field types now supported in mail merge
- mail: images embedded into templates now work better across browsers
- cumulative bug fixes
- cumulative bug fixes, UI experience improvements
- added two new themes to the appearance section: Windows 10 Light and Windows 10 Dark
- print settings improvement when changing the printer selection
- fixed a task mailmerge bug with Microsoft Word that incorrectly used the wrong field for description and group
- added new option for QuickFind results for mail messages to Locate Item so you can find message in actual folder location and message list
- fixed a footer inconsistency when printing mail from the main message list
- default for sending appointments via email is now .ics vs .vcs which seems to be a more universally accepted extension for recipients
- mail: attained Google AOuth official certification for Gmail mail accounts
- mail: added AT&T to the predefined email provider list to make it easy to set up a new account
- mail: new compose screen with many changes. No longer relies on Internet Explorer and the Microsoft HTML Engine for the editor while creating messages. (Will be removing dependency for the preview panel as well in a future update.)
- mail: added new stationery editor to make it easy to change default text and font styles
- mail: new insert sidebar that is sticky, meaning it will stay visible until turned off so you can continue inserting additional emoji, snippets or mail merge fields
- mail: new options for automatically resizing images to result in smaller attachments when you don't need to send the full size original
- mail: new option to embed image directly in HTML content rather than sending as attachment
- many more minor fixes and tweaks
- fixed a issue with type ahead disabled in contacts that was still autofilling fields
- fixed an inconsistency with recalling the previous word wrap choice on the classic screen
- mail: mail preview now supports Microsoft Edge compatibility
- fixed a month calendar start time bug when appointment start time was edited in the Android application
- added 2 new themes darker theme blue and darker theme orange.
- mail: fixed a mail tree color issue with the DARK theme.
- mail: tls 1.2 fixes
- mail: type ahead in the mail to fields now strips to root email address
- various bug fixes and maintenance updates
- mail: images from a networked location can now be inserted into an email message.
- mail: the message preview tabs can be made sticky with the use of the scroll lock button on your keyboard.
- mail: updated the default ports for the AOL service
- mail: utf-8 signatures are now accepted
- various minor bug fixes
- fixed a bug in the import tool under the file menu that was injected with the last update that would prevent the importing of data.
- added a delete confirmation dialog on the Quickfind screen.
- added a fix when importing transportable records of old daytitles so that they do not convert to local time
- appointment location now fills in automatically when dropping a contact into the appointment window
- new option to turn on/off leading trailing dates on monthly calendar printout, located on the Print Options Tweaks tab.
- fixed a minor selection issue with calendar, tasks on classic view to display linked names when multiselecting records
- export to csv file works with selected records rather than the whole list.
- mail: improved results when toggling between html and source within the mail compose screen.
- mail: correct hotkey ctrl+q to maximize and minimize the mail preview window
- mail: fixed a bug with the new Google Auth that was preventing IMAP messages from being moved to another IMAP folder
- mail: next and previous message icons added to toolbar when message window is maximized
- mail: added a test for off-line prior to send now from within the message editor
- mail: improved the cleanup of old sent messages and old trash messages if you have a maximum quantity set.
- mail: drafts that are mailed are now marked unread as they go to the QUEUED message folder.
- fixed a minor issue with toggling the All Contacts checkbox on Linked Contacts
- fixed a possible error that occurred for some when doing a backup when closing the program
- fixed the alarm checkbox inconsistency with repeating calendar events on the monthview and weekview screen without an alarm
- added the name of the dataset being opened to the password access screen.
- fixed an issue when synchronizing with Chaos Host that would skip deletes from Host
- minor highlighting change in the notes editor so cursor keys remove highlight selection
- fixed a possible error in selection of paperbins on printers
- product registration is now done in the application and not the installer.
- mail: upgraded html viewer compatibility to ie10
- mail: fixed an issue when toggling the edit mail message checkbox on the compose screen multiple times.
- mail: added support for GMail OAuth2
- mail: simplified new email account setup.
- improved error handling for invalid photo format on a contact record.
- fixed monthview category filter
- removed resize rows from columns menu to simplify interface options.
- reports now remembers the last database selection used.
- items linked on projects, tasks and calendar by dragging can now be removed without deleting the records
- blank end time on calendar events is now possible as a default if you set the default duration to 0 minutes
- fixed word wrapping issue on QuickPrint
- fixed the drop down list for field 19 of the contacts custom fields.
- removed event drag color from week planner for improved appearance.
- restricted the use of date variables in the report module to the "equals to" or "contains" logic
- mail: ensure only saved message folders can be dragged and dropped within the mail folder tree control
- mail: fixed an odd delete message issue when entering a folder and Ctrl+Clicking the first mail message
- mail: block images checkbox now remembers last state when restarting the program
- mail: fixed a shortcut key conflict with Send Receive Mail and maximizing the preview window
- fixed a minor month view calendar issue where the mouse moving to a 2nd monitor could raise an error
- fixed a minor theme issue with Caspian where the telephone numbers font was an incorrect color.
- fixed an issue in calendar where the duration column would display incorrectly.
- fixed a possible error when synchronizing with Chaos Host
- fixed an alarm system
- mail: updated keyboard shortcuts to Send Now and Send Later on the compose screen.
- mail: preserve linked contacts when a rebuilding the mail cache
- unicode support - you can now type a description, note in international character sets such as Kanji, Hebrew ...
- mail: redesign and simplification of the compose screen
- mail: updated improved emoji icons
- mail: mail flags text can now be edited
- mail: live spell in subject
- mail: updated communications library
- mail: linked mail within a contact entry screen now has a preview panel.
- mail: send/receive shortcut Ctrl+m works from any module
- mail: notification sound can now be turned off
- mail: improved drag and drop of save message folders
- mail: unread message count on folder tree
- mail: mail sent to intellect through MAPI now uses the default stationery and signature block
- mail: improved javascript blocking
- mail: added the ability to change mail flag(s) from within Quickfind right click menu
- mail: right click menu to quickly add a mail rule
- fixed a bug that would cause a new appointment to pick up the incorrect group name if the contacts were also filtered by group.
- fixed a bug that would prevent the grid from scrolling to a newly added contact
- fixed a bug where the cursor keys would not work when using the type ahead lookup in the contact list
- fixed a theme color bug with text box on quickfind screen
- new records may now be added using the Insert key on the keyboard.
- imported vCalendar and vCard records now replace \n for a line feed
- incoming transportable records can be double clicked on to preview
- much improved drag and drop of grid items
- search footer hot key ctrl + s
- vastly improved column stretch. It actually works now.
- removed any invalid plugins from appearing on the accessory menu